Make Your Thanksgiving Day More Enjoyable With These 2 Laundry Tips – From The Mommy Insider

I know you love doing laundry. In fact I saw the results of a survey recently in which it was determined that Moms prefer doing laundry over vacuming. While I can’t find the survey now and I wouldn’t go so far as to agree with that, I do get a great deal of satisfaction out of taking clean, delicious smelling clothes out of the dryer.

Even if you don’t enjoy doing laundry, I highly recommend that you stay on top of laundry before and during Thanksgiving week.

One way I motivate myself to stay on top of laundry is by using a liquid laundry detergent that smells really good.

Holiday napkins are not used for cleaning!

Holiday napkins are not used for cleaning!

Scenario #1: Holiday Napkin Disaster

The kids don’t understand that holiday napkins are for use on special occassions like Thanksgiving & Christmas only. The kids use your holiday napkins to clean the bathroom or wipe the juice spill off the dining room floor, resulting in sticky, dirty napkins.


Be ready to restock the holiday napkins with a spare set (yes, buy two sets of holiday napkins, at least) and while you’re using those, was the others with a detergent that is sure to make your house guests think that you just baked a delicious pie, Gain’s Apple Mango Tango liquid laundry detergent.

Scenario #2: Blanket Disaster At Aunt Betty’s

You visit Aunt Betty’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. The kids drag their favorite snuggle blankies all over Aunt Betty’s floor knowing that Aunt Betty has 19 dogs and 3 cats. Eeewww! Naturally, you find lint balls, dog hair, cat hair and who knows what else stuck to the kids blankets. But shoot! You didn’t bring laundry detergent to Aunt Betty’s house.

Sad blanket girl

This is how your child may feel when she can't snuggle with her dirty blanket on the way home from Aunt Betty's house!


You never know what kind of laundry detergent a friend or family member uses, so I am a firm believer in BYOLD (bring your own laundry detergent)!

Just as importantly, you don’t want the kids to be snuggling with dirty blankies during the long drive home from Aunt Betty’s house, do you? All the more reason to take detergent with you and wash their blankets before driving home.

Aunt Betty would probably even appreciate it if you threw in a few napkins and hand towels with the kids blankies! :)

Gain Apple Mango Tango Liquid Laundry Detergent

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