You’ve Lost the Weight, Now Lose the Loose Skin | Featuring Plastic Surgery Center of the South

By: Carly Ward

Let me tell you, I have had quite the weight loss journey. Like a lot of women, I gained weight with each of my 3 pregnancies, and somehow never got around to losing it. Then one day I found myself approaching middle age and 70 pounds overweight. I knew I had to make a change.

I made a pledge to myself to lose all of that “baby weight” since my youngest “baby” was 5 years old. I committed myself to a healthful diet and a regular exercise regimen with a personal trainer. I started cooking healthier food at home, eating out less, and even made little changes, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It wasn’t easy, but the dedication has certainly paid off. I’ve worked very hard to get where I am: back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but more importantly, healthy and fit.

I wish I could say that I am now able to frolic on the beach wearing a bikini and showing off the results of my hard work, but I can’t. The problem is one that lots of people experience after pregnancy and weight loss: loose skin. This popular YouTube video illustrates the problem perfectly. For me, it takes the form of wrinkled stretch marks all around my bellybutton, then rolls of hanging skin on my lower abdomen. Doctors and friends have told me that I have only 2 options: (1) fold it up and tuck it into my jeans or (2) get a tummy tuck. I’m getting tired of option #1, so I decided to check into #2.

loseskinAlthough I have heard of a tummy tuck, I wasn’t sure exactly what the surgery entailed and what it accomplished. According to the website of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a tummy tuck procedure does exactly what I want: removes of excess skin for a firmer, slimmer look. In most cases, the surgeon also repairs the overstretched abdominal muscles that contribute to the “pooch” or “pot belly.” You can even add liposuction to remove pockets of residual fat hanging around your midsection (yes, please!). While a tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss substitute, it can achieve a flat and more toned belly if you’re already at a healthy weight.

Feeling optimistic, I decided to go to popular online plastic surgery forum RealSelf to get some information from real-life patients about the tummy tuck experience. I was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback; in fact, it’s the highest rated procedure on RealSelf for patient satisfaction, with a whopping 96% of patients saying it was “worth it.”

I came across one woman’s story that was very similar to my own. She had her tummy tuck and other plastic surgery procedures in Marietta, GA, and documented the whole experience, complete with before-and-after photos. It was great to get a first-hand account of what I could expect if I decided to follow through with the surgery.

I realized that tummy tuck surgery isn’t just a quick nip/tuck job. It’s a pretty big surgery and it involves a couple of weeks of recovery. But the payoff is big, too, with a lot of people finding that their tummies look better than they ever have. I think I’m ready to take the plunge.

For me, I won’t feel like my journey is complete until I can look at myself in the mirror and see the tummy that reflects all my hard work and self-discipline. I know that whether or not I get a tummy tuck, I can be proud of what I’ve achieved. But for me, the extra, sagging skin is a reminder of the old me, and I don’t want to look back.

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